Dahlias are one of our absolute favorite flowers to grow. Yours, too?! Each year in late spring you plant a single tuber in the ground, and it yields a large clump of tubers by season’s end. Their timeless beauty is exquisite, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve simply gotten lost in the maze of subtle, differing shades of colors and textures in the dahlia field. They are quite mesmerizing.
On Saturday, March 1st at 8AM our Annual Dahlia Tuber Sale opens online. This year we will have over 25 organically grown dahlias available. Pick up will be available at Cedaredge and Grand Junction locations starting in April, or shipping is available as well.
Click here to visit our online tuber store.
Mark your calendars also for our Spring Dahlia Workshop, “Prepping, Planting, & Caring For Dahlias” to be held on Saturday, April 5th at the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center in Cedaredge.